CoRpoRate sponsorship
SasqUatch level - $1000 and up
Sponsorship at the Bigfoot Level includes a thank you letter and certificate of support as well as 6 official
t-shirts, designated area or stage (of your choosing) with your business name on custom banner, a 10x10 vendor space, and placement on group signage at the event
Bigfoot level - $500-999
Sponsorship at the Bigfoot Level includes a thank you letter and certificate of support as well as 4 official
t-shirts, designated area or stage with your business name on custom banner, and placement on group signage at the event
Yeti level - $250-499
Sponsorship at the Yeti Level includes a thank you letter and certificate of support as well as 2 official
t-shirts and placement on group signage at the event
SMallfoot level - up to $249
Sponsorship at the Smallfoot Level includes a thank you letter and certificate of support as well as placement on group signage at the event